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发布时间:2014-11-06  阅读:4046次  字号:  






The science and technology festival is organized by students, with the purpose of stimulating enthusiasm for STEM education, culture and accomplishments. The festival seeks to inspire a sense of innovation and encourage the design of new works; at the same time, it broadens scientific and technological knowledge, and is a form for scientific conservation. It is an event which fosters individual talent. 


       The annual week-long festival is mainly for published regulations, training and distribution of materials. The preparation for the festival and the first round of each project is after school at noon. The final part of the small projects is accomplished on Thursday afternoons, when all the finalists from the campus gather to do their best. The audience can enjoy the exciting finale from several locations on campus, with the benefit of being able to view the finale from different angles.  


      The Science and Technology Section of the project may include topics such as "solid building / bridge bearing", "Evolution Science Innovation Competition", "mind OM", "robot integrated game", "creative propaganda work," and so on. Examples of solid building/bridge bearing include the students utilizing a Paulownia strip designed to withstand the maximum weight of a building or a bridge, to withstand the unique stimulus of barbell and weights under the pressure of the car. Students demonstrate forward thinking in a time of scientific and creative competition, utilizing their rational thinking skills by working on small issues to show their scientific caliber. 


Innovative thinking in OM mind games is taken to the next level with the challenge of international standards, such as double test questions for language and hand-on problems. In the hands of the students, their robots become goal-shooting and scoring athletes. Behind the fun of playing the game is sophisticated learning and practice.  Creative propaganda is showcased beautifully; emerging in a fun, eye-catching work of publicity, its influence cannot be ignored. These projects after years of development have been recognized by majority of the students, becoming an extremely popular project for the mature students to be involved in.  


As a creative forum in the traditionally rigid subjects of science and technology, the annual innovation project has become a major attraction. Each year, projects have been perfected and reviews are steadily more positive. Since the 2010 event, projects have spanned an impressive array including chemical experiments, dominoes, water rockets, and a ‘Chi Dragon Gate’ project. Whether it is to solve the problem in a tight chemical experiment, or first-hand experiencing the impact of a careful dominoes movement, this science fair provides thrills to broadening students’ knowledge and interest in science and technology. From the festival have emerged outstanding students, who are active, creative, and willing to take initiative. The fostering of talents becomes equal in importance to the development of projects. 


The science and technology festival is a stage for scientific strength and creative thinking. 

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